幼兒說英語 訓練英語口語表達能力有法

幼兒說英語 訓練英語口語表達能力有法






幼兒說英語 方法1. 比較事物不同之處

家長可在互聯網下載外形相似動物的圖片,如海獅(sea lion)和海豹(seal)的圖片,然後與幼兒討論這些動物相似和不相似的地方。


sea lion


爸/ 媽:Which one is a seal? Which one is a sea lion?
幼 兒:Don’t know.

爸/ 媽:Well, this one is a seal, but this one is not a seal. This is a sea lion. Can you see that they look different?
幼 兒:Ears.〔幼兒指着海獅的耳朵〕

爸/ 媽:Well-done! This animal has ears, but this one doesn’t. The one that has ears is called a sea lion. The other one is called a seal. What other differences can you spot?

幼 兒:Long arm.

爸/ 媽:You mean ‘flippers’ ?
幼 兒:Yes.



爸/ 媽: The front flippers of the sea lion are long. But the front flippers of a seal are short. Hey, show me your finger nails.
幼 兒:Okay.

爸/ 媽:Can you see the finger nails of the seal easily?
幼 兒:Yes!

爸/ 媽: You know what: we have a special word for the nails of animals. We call them ‘claws’. Look at the seal. It has claws. But the sea lion doesn’t.

幼 兒:Yes! Claws!

爸/ 媽: Okay, so can you look at the two pictures again and tell me which animal is which?
幼 兒:This one seal. This one sea lion. [幼兒的句法會不正確,這很正常和普遍]

爸/ 媽: Yes, you’re right. This one is a seal. This one is a sea lion. Do you remember how these animals are different from each other?

幼 兒:Seal—— ears, claws, short flippers.
爸/ 媽:Yes, the seal doesn’t have ears, but it has claws and short flippers.


幼兒說英語 方法2. 指出奇怪之處

家長可與幼兒一起玩「煮飯仔」,但在過程中故意將物件放在錯誤的位置上(如將波鞋放在煎鍋上),然後請幼兒指出怪誕的地方(What’s wrong with this picture? Something is not right. Can you tell me what it is?)和提出更正的方法(How to put things right again? Can you tell me?)。這樣不單只可鞏固幼兒的邏輯思維能力,亦能加強他們的口語表達能力。

幼兒說英語 訓練英語口語表達能力有法
香港教育學院幼兒教育學系助理教授 黃國成博士


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