
英國皇室傳記爆料 查理斯首度承認後悔娶戴安娜



因車禍過世的戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)已經離開我們21年,她坎坷的皇室情路,依然令人惋惜。近日,一本有關查理斯王子(Prince of Wales)的傳記,爆料她的前夫查理斯,首度承認迎娶戴安娜是一個錯誤,更後悔娶了她。


撰文:TLY | 圖片來源:instagram、facebook |資料來源:每日鏡報


記者霍布森(Robert Jobson)專門採訪英國王室新聞,用了18個月編寫《七十歲的查理斯:思想、希望和夢想》傳記,而傳記中指出,戴安娜與查理斯只是見面12次,她就決定下嫁大她13年的查理斯。然而,當時查理斯求婚的原因,是因他的初戀情人卡米拉下嫁陸軍軍官,令他沮喪不已,亦導致這段皇室婚姻走上無法回頭之路。






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On this day, 29th july 1981 Lady Diana Frances Spencer married HRH Prince Charles Philip Arthur George in st Paul’s cathedral in London. Diana’s sensational dress consisting of ivory silk taffeta, decoraded with lace, hand embroidery, sequins and 10000 pearls was designed by Elizabeth and David Emanuel and had a 25 foot train (7.6 metres) making it the longest in the history of british royal weddings. She wore a pair of low-heeled shoes with the letters D and C handpainted on. The Spencer Tiara was worn by Princess Diana at her wedding to Prince Charles in 1981, and worn by her on numerous occasions after her big day. The tiara is a family heirloom that was also worn by all of Diana's sisters on their wedding days. The headpiece, which was made by Garrads, has an elaborate design of stylised flowers decorated with diamonds in silver settings. Said to date back to the 18th century, it was given to Diana’s grandmother, Cynthia, Viscountess Althorp, by a distant relative called Lady Sarah Spencer as a wedding gift in 1919. . . . . . #diana #princessofwales #queenofhearts #royalty #instaroyals #princessdiana #ladydiana #royalwedding #tb #1981 #charlesphiliparthurgeorge #princeofwales #princecharles #stpaulscathedral #elizabethemanuel Photos: pinterest (getty images) 🚨I do not own any of these pictures , credits to rightful owners 🚨

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查理斯王子與戴安娜王妃的婚姻終於1996年8月28日結束,不長不短15年的婚姻中,戴安娜為他產下了威廉和哈里王子。到1997年戴安娜與埃及富商男友多迪法耶茲(Dodi Fayed)發生致命車禍之魂斷巴黎,年僅36歲。他認為這次意外是,自己間接摧毀了她的一生,因大家婚後生活不快才會導致。