
【幸福人妻】胡杏兒一家三口再度蜜月 入住天價水底別墅慶生



胡杏兒近日與丈夫李承德(Philip)帶著囝囝Brendan,一家三口前往馬爾代夫度假,順便慶祝杏兒39歲生日。難得出遊鬆一鬆,杏兒同老公都不斷在社交平台大晒溫馨度假相,而昨日他們更是連續分享多張新入住的別墅酒店圖片,原來呢間名叫The Muraka的酒店大有來頭,據知每晚住宿費用更是天文數字,看來Philip今次不惜用重本氹掂老婆!

撰文:Chloe | 圖片:胡杏兒IG

胡杏兒一家三口同遊馬爾代夫 入住天價水底別墅慶生

胡杏兒在社交網站拍片介紹近日入住的,位於馬爾代夫的水底別墅The Muraka。呢間酒店原來大有來頭,不但是世界上的第一間水底別墅,一晚最平索價$50000美金(約39萬港元)!看來Philip為博紅顏一笑今次真係「落重本」呀!

囝囝Brendan 細細個就可以跟著爸爸媽媽嘆世界,肉嘟嘟嘅節瓜BB真係好可愛。


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The Muraka – the first underwater villa of its type in the world. Just opened in Nov18, we were blessed to be the first family to stay there during our Maldives trip. Where do we begin? How do you describe living in a room which has allows you a wondrous peek into a world where we don’t naturally belong? Whatever I say won’t do it justice so let’s just say the entire stay was a real pleasure. The property itself was a stand out modern design, the furniture and equipment was of the highest quality (the kitchen was entirely professional standard), the service was attentive yet unfussy, and the signature Muraka room, well it just completely takes your breath away. Brendan was oblivious to how lucky he was to be the first baby to ever stay there, but he spent plenty of time staring and pointing at the many different types of colourful fish that swam by. And Mrs Lee, like me, is fascinated by marine life – so what a surreal but lovely birthday treat it was to sleep, shower, and sh*t right in front of fish 🐡 🐟 🐠 💩 😂 @myoliemyolie #TheMuraka #conradmaldives #underwatervilla #maldives #indianocean #property #outofthisworld #marinelife #Brendans1stTrip #MrsLeesBirthday

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  • 消毒烘乾奶樽、奶嘴、奶泵零件
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呢座別墅 房間、淋浴間等均設於水底,成間房被海水同魚包圍,瞓覺、沖涼甚至連去洗手間都有魚陪著。

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😝🚽🐟 #themuraka

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🔮🐟💙 #themuraka

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其實,杏兒仔本月6號已經同一班好姊妹大搞Party慶祝生日。不過,Philip依然攜愛妻與寶貝仔遠赴馬爾代夫繼續甜蜜慶生,佢留言話:「Very long birthday celebration for Mrs Lee. But she’s worth every minute」