粉葛扁豆衣豬尾骨湯食譜 健脾化濕、紓緩頭痛
粉葛 1斤
扁豆衣 1両
豬尾骨 1斤(斬塊)
蜜棗 2個
陳皮 1角
600g kudzu root
38g hyacinth bean skin
600g pork tail(chopped)
2 candied dates
1/4 dried tangerine peel
1. 陳皮用水浸軟,刮去內瓤。
2. 豬尾骨洗淨,飛水,過冷河,瀝乾水分。
3. 粉葛去外皮,洗淨,切塊。
4. 扁豆衣及蜜棗用水沖洗,瀝乾水分。
5. 燒滾清水12碗,放入粉葛、扁豆衣、蜜棗及陳皮,用大火煲滾,加入豬尾骨煲10分鐘,轉小火煲2小時,下鹽調味。
Method :
1. Soak dried tangerine peel until soft. Scrape off the pith.
2. Rinse pork tail bone. Scald, rinse and drain.
3. Remove skin from kudzu root. Rinse and cut into pieces.
4. Rinse hyacinth bean skin and candied dates. Drain.
5. Bring 12 cups of water to boil. Put in kudzu root, hyacinth bean skin, candied dates and dried tangerine peel. Bring to boil over high heat, put in pork tail bone and boil for 10 minutes. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours. Season with salt. Serve.