哈佛前校長談大學教育 經典開學禮講辭:確保畢業生認清有人在胡說八道
撰文:Sunday Kiss |圖片:shutterstock、wikimedia commons
Drew Faust:「我不是哈佛第一任女校長,我是哈佛校長。」
Drew Faust 是哈佛大學建校以來首位女校長,於2007年至2018年期間擔任哈佛大學第28任校長,她總是笑回應:「我不是哈佛第一任女校長,我是哈佛校長。」 (I’m not the woman president of Harvard, I’m the president of Harvard.)
其實她亦有不少提醒學生的說話,在2008年的一次演講中,她表示:「如你不去追求你認為最值得做的事,你將會後悔。生命是漫長的,你總可有另一個計劃,但千萬別一開始便選擇走後路。」 (if you don’t pursue what you think will be most meaningful, you will regret it. Life is long. There is always time for Plan B. But don’t begin with it.)
原文:What should a university education be at such a moment and what should it mean? And what indeed is a university? How do we think about its responsibilities — our responsibilities — at such a challenging and unsettled time in our country and in the world?
原文:First, universities are about knowledge and the pursuit of truth. We believe in facts and in the power of the human mind to ascertain them. We are committed to education and learning as vehicles for human betterment and as essential foundations for democratic government.
原文:We believe that the pursuit of truth requires a continuing process of testing and reassessment, of argument, and challenge and debate. We are never so complacent as to believe we have unerringly attained it. Veritas is both aspiration and inspiration. We recognize there is always more to know, so we must be open to new ideas and new perspectives, to the possibility — even the probability — of being wrong. This requires all of us to work with courage and generosity and humility — to be willing to engage in the great debate that is an intellectual community, open to others’ ideas and willing to change our views based on reason and evidence. But these are not just important intellectual skills that we hope to nurture in each of you. These are critical human capacities as well — the ability to make judgments, to evaluate facts, and the willingness to be open to learning and growth as new truths unfold.
哈佛藝術與科學學院已故的前任院長傑里米·諾爾斯(Jeremy Knowles)曾描述過他所認為的高等教育最重要目標: 他說,那就是確保畢業生能夠辨別「有人在胡說八道」。 你們會通過挑戰和被挑戰,通過直面異議和分歧,來學習這種能力,並在這當中找到自己的道路。
原文:It was on this annual occasion of welcoming the incoming College class that a former dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the late Jeremy Knowles, described what he saw as the most important goal of higher education: it was, he said, to ensure that graduates can recognize when “someone is talking rot.” You learn this through challenging and being challenged, through being confronted by disagreement and difference and amidst it all finding your way.
原文:When the admissions office decided on you, it was because they wanted your voice, your contribution as part of this creative cacophony. So don’t be silent. (And please don’t live your life online as if you weren’t here at all!) Engage with one another. Talk a lot so others can learn from you. Listen even more so that you can learn from them. Don’t be afraid to take the risk of being wrong. Don’t be afraid to admit you are wrong. It is the best way to learn and grow. And listen generously to others so that they may take risks too.